Choose Your Style

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When choosing the type of senior photos, you want to consider what resonates with you and how you want to remember this pivotal moment in your life. Your senior photos should be a true reflection of your personality and the journey you've taken during your high school years.

Athletic/Sports: If you're involved in sports or have a strong athletic background, consider incorporating your sports gear and showcasing your skills on the field, court, or in a sports-themed setting. Creative lighting and the use of gels we can create very dramatic and unique images.
Artistic/Creative: Showcase your artistic side by incorporating elements of art, music, dance, or theater into your photos. These shots can be dynamic and unique, capturing your creative talents.

Hobby/Interest-Based: Highlight your hobbies and interests, whether it's playing a musical instrument, reading, painting, or any other activity that defines you.



Are you more fashion forward? An editorial approach to senior photos focuses on creating artistic and visually compelling images with a more editorial and fashion magazine-like feel.  Embrace a fashion-forward approach with stylish outfits, creative poses, and unique locations. 

Nature or Urban

Formal or casual

Classic/Formal Portraits: These are traditional senior portraits taken in a studio or outdoor setting. They often feature classic poses and elegant attire, capturing a timeless and sophisticated look. 

Casual/Everyday: These photos capture you in your natural environment, reflecting your everyday style and personality. They can be taken at your favorite hangout spots or any location that holds significance to you.

Nature/Outdoors: Are you more of a park or field of flowers kind of person? Parks offer greenery and trees, tall grass, flowers, fences, bridges, and sometimes water. Many of these are dependent on the time of year you choose for your photos. Choose a scenic outdoor location to capture the beauty of nature and your connection to it.

Urban/Street: For an edgier vibe, consider cityscapes, alleyways, graffiti walls, or other urban settings can really show off your style. Our studio is just a block from the canal and Mass. Ave. is very close.  

Senior photos offer a chance to showcase your personality, style, and interests as you prepare to graduate and move on to the next chapter of your life. Here are some different types of senior photos you might consider.